• Post office
  •  Charge accounts and credit card agencies
  •  Friends and Relatives
  •  Subscriptions, book clubs, record clubs ( notice required several weeks in advance)
  •  Bank transfer funds, arrange for cheque cashing in new city
  •  Insurance- Notify regarding new location for coverage’s: Life, Health, Fire, Auto
  •  Automobile registrations – Transfer of auto title if necessary; also drivers license, and BCAA membership
  •  Utility companies – Gas, Electric, Water, Telephone, Cable, Television, Alarm, Fuel ; obtain refunds of any deposits made; arrange for immediate service in new location.
  •  Route Persons – Laundry, Newspaper delivery, changeover of services
  •  School Records – Ask for copies of the transfer of children’s records.
  •  Medical, Dental, Prescription histories – Ask physicians and dentists for referrals, transfer needed prescriptions, eyeglasses, X -Rays.
  •  Church, Clubs, Civic Organizations, Gym-Transfer memberships, request letters of introduction.
  • Pets – Ask about regulations for licenses, vaccinations, tags, etc. Request transfer of vets records. Be certain to attach tags with your new address at the time of your move.


  • Empty/Defrost the freezer
  •  Arrange the appliances to be serviced for moving
  •  Contact the cable company and arrange for return of their equipment.
  •  Clean clothing and the rugs that will go with you.
  •  Plan for special care of infants, small children, and pets.
  •  With the moving company….
  •  Verify your insurance coverage.
  •  Determine labour for packing and unpacking.
  •  Determine the day and approximate time of arrival.
  •  Discuss and shipping papers that are required.
  •  Determine the method and time of payment.